

Friedrich Nietzsche / Psychological Egoism / Reason / Evil / Aesthetics

Joseph Beuys Writings

Aesthetics / Thought / Creativity / Concept / Sculpture

Yoga the Art of Transformation at Sackler Gallery

Yoga / Tantra / Meditation / Aesthetics / Indian Religions

Thelonius Monk - Monks Music

Jazz / Ethnography / Truth / Aesthetics / Anthropology

Omar Rincón - Narrativas mediaticas..pdf

Aesthetics / Immanuel Kant / Beauty / Media (Communication) / Society

Mann 1996. Musik Als Existentielle Erfahrung

Aesthetics / Classical Music / Philosophical Science / Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science

AA. VV. Corpus Romanticismo Alemán

Aesthetics / Truth / Reason / Beauty / Morality

jimenez, marc - o que é estética.pdf

Aesthetics / Immanuel Kant / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science / Science

Walter BENJAMIN L'oeuvre d'Art à L'époque de sa reproductibilité technique

Cinematography / Lithography / Aesthetics / Image / Fascism

jimenez, marc - o que é estética.pdf

Aesthetics / Immanuel Kant / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Science

René Wellek_Austin Warren_Teoria da literatura e metodologia dos estudos literarios.pdf

Science / Poetry / Aesthetics / Natural Sciences / Scientific Method

BAUMGARTEN, Alexander Gottlieb. Estética a lógica da arte e do poema

Poetry / Aesthetics / Definition / Science / Discourse

Arquitectura expresionista

Movements / Expressionism / Aesthetics / Art Criticism / Modernity

Ranciere - Dzielenie Postrzeganego. Estetyka i Polityka

Plato / Democracy / Aesthetics / Poetry / Postmodernism

Peter Eisenman

Aesthetics / Architectural Design / Design / Art Media / Philosophical Science

Harnoncourt - Music as Speech

Composers / Theory / Aesthetics / Knowledge / Understanding