Artificial Neural Network

MALLOY-DINIZ, L. F. et al. (Org.). Neuropsicologia: aplicações clínicas. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2016.

Neuropsychology / Cerebrum / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Artificial Neural Network / Neuroimaging

MALLOY-DINIZ, L. F. et al. (Org.). Neuropsicologia: aplicações clínicas. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2016.

Neuropsychology / Cerebrum / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Artificial Neural Network / Neuroimaging

Multimedia Data Mining an Overview to Image Processing and Machine Learning by Zaheer Ahmad

Artificial Neural Network / Principal Component Analysis / Machine Learning / Neuron / Image Segmentation

Machine Learning 2

Artificial Neural Network / Synapse / Chemical Synapse / Neuron / Nervous System

Deep Learning with Python 9781617294433.pdf

Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Deep Learning / Artificial Neural Network

Programando Redes Neuronales Artificiales Paso a Paso Con Python

Logic Gate / Algorithms / Artificial Neural Network / Mathematics / Physics & Mathematics

Game AI

Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Artificial Neural Network / Genetic Algorithm / Algorithms

Machine Learning With TensorFlow - Nishant Shukla

Machine Learning / Cluster Analysis / Norm (Mathematics) / Artificial Neural Network / Algorithms

Cell2Cell The churn game

Regression Analysis / Logistic Regression / Incentive / Artificial Neural Network / Business

Modelo Conexionista

Artificial Neural Network / Neuron / Nervous System / Neuroscience / Earth & Life Sciences

MALLOY-DINIZ, L. F. et al. (Org.). Neuropsicologia: aplicações clínicas. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2016.

Neuropsychology / Cerebrum / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Artificial Neural Network / Neuroimaging

MatLab Deep Learning With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (2017)

Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Test Set / Artificial Neural Network / Statistical Classification

Superinteligência - Caminhos, Perigos, Estratégias Para um Novo Mundo - Nick Bostrom.pdf

Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Artificial Neural Network / Probability / Human

RNA Aplicada a Reconhecimento de Padrões

Artificial Neural Network / Engineering / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Mathematics

1107051622 Cognitive Science

Artificial Neural Network / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Mind / Artificial Intelligence

MatLab Deep Learning With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence (2017)

Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Test Set / Artificial Neural Network / Statistical Classification