
Resenha Sobre Grecia e Roma de Pedro Pau

Roman Empire / Ancient Rome / Ancient Greece / Roman Republic / Augustus

Atlas of Maritime History

Republic Of Venice / Galley / Mark Antony / Augustus / Maritime History

Manilio - Astrologia (Gredos)

Zodiac / Augustus / Horoscope / Astrological Sign / Universe

Manilio - Astrología, trad. F. Calero & M.J. Echarte (Biblioteca Clasica Gredos 226, 2002, 223pp)

Zodiac / Augustus / Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Universe

Evangelização Na Igreja Primitiva - Michael Green (1)

Greek Mythology / Augustus / Ancient Rome / Julius Caesar / God

Soal Bahasa Inggris Klas XI semester I

Mark Antony / Cleopatra / Giant Panda / Augustus / Julius Caesar

After the Daggers. Politics and Persuasion After the Assassination of Caesar

Cicero / Rhetoric / Augustus / Roman Republic / Thesis

Bayet, Jean - La Religion Romana (Cristiandad, 1984, 382pp)

Ancient Rome / Latin / Augustus / Jupiter (Mythology) / Greece

Roman Imperial Architecture.pdf

Augustus / Ancient Rome / Rome / Julius Caesar / Ancient Romans


Julius Caesar / Augustus / Pompey / Cicero / Ancient Rome

La Tienda de Los Suicidas - Jean Teule

Augustus / Cleopatra / Snake / Birthdays / Suicide

Línea del Tiempo del Imperio Romano

Pompey / Augustus / Roman Empire / Mark Antony / Julius Caesar

Disolución del matrimonio romano

Divorce / Marriage / Augustus / Roman Empire / Engagement

Ciceron Marco Tulio - En Defensa Del Poeta Arquias (bilingue)

Cicero / Ancient Rome / Augustus / Julius Caesar / Stoicism