
Egyptian Phonology

Syllable / Consonant / Arabic / Stress (Linguistics) / Semiotics

A Guide to Korean Characters

Korean Language / Consonant / Linguistics / Semiotics / Languages

Numerology Basic Ebook 1

Consonant / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Behavioural Sciences

Numerology Basic Ebook 2

Consonant / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Behavioural Sciences

Numerology Advanced Ebook1

Subtraction / Consonant / Psychological Concepts / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognition

An Introduction to Phonology

Phoneme / Vowel / Phonology / Linguistics / Consonant

Aaron Leitch - A Pronunciation Guide to the Angelical Language of Dr John Dee Cd3 Id1642719475 Size160

Syllable / Vowel / English Language / Consonant / Magic (Paranormal)

Korean Language Course Book - 20 units

Syllable / Consonant / Alphabet / Korean Language / English Language

Bickford and Floyd - Articulatory Phonetics

Consonant / Sound Production / Human Throat / Speech / Human Communication

An Introduction to Phonology

Phoneme / Vowel / Phonology / Linguistics / Consonant

Dizionario Teologico Antico Testamento, I

Dictionary / Hebrew Language / Divinity (Academic Discipline) / Consonant / Syllable

Understanding Phonetics 2011 P Ashby

Phoneme / Vowel / Consonant / English Language / Orthography


English Language / Consonant / Syllable / Stress (Linguistics) / Accent (Sociolinguistics)

Standard Austrian German

Vowel / Stress (Linguistics) / Consonant / Syllable / Philology

Understanding Phonetics

Vowel / English Language / Consonant / Alphabet / Syllable