

Technology / Artificial Intelligence / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Epistemology

11 Ideas Clave Zabala Arnau

Linguistics / Latin / Knowledge / Evaluation / Epistemology

jeux syboliques

Theory Of Mind / Psychotherapy / Epistemology / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts

qué es un dispositivo?

Michel Foucault / Capitalism / Technology / Knowledge / Epistemology

Balint Training System 1948

Psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud / Id / Mental Health / Epistemology

Arnold Gehlen, Antropologia Filosofica

Science / Epistemology / Anthropology / Philosophical Science / Religion And Belief

El Evolucionismo Antropología

Evolution / Anthropology / Society / Sociology / Epistemology

bahasa inggris

Human Communication / Communication / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Psychological Concepts / Epistemology

Esta Amiga

Statistics / Information / Science / Epistemology / Cognitive Science

Textos narrativos, descriptivos, expositivos y argumentativos

Narration / Argument / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Epistemology

¿Cómo es posible el orden social-, Niklas Luhmann.pdf

Science / Epistemology / Theory / Sociology / Immanuel Kant

Clínica Móvil - Joaquín Rodríguez

Psychoanalysis / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Epistemology / Theory / Subjectivity

Psychic Representation in Plato’s Phaedrus - Paul Carelli.pdf

Plato / Socrates / Soul / Metaphysics / Epistemology

Richard Evans - In Defense of History

Postmodernism / Historian / Epistemology / Age Of Enlightenment / Theory

resumen analisis ibañez

Metaphor / Reality / Truth / Epistemology / Semiotics