Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Apostila IV Curso Livre Marx Engels Boitempo Editorial e Sesc Pinheiros

Karl Marx / Communism / State (Polity) / Socialism / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Royo Hernández, Simón - Pasajes Al Posthumanismo. Historia y Escritura Ed. Dykinson 2012_editado Una Pagina

Friedrich Nietzsche / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Ideologies / Truth / Karl Marx

P. T. Grier - Identity and Difference. Studies in Hegel's Logic, Philosophy of Spirit and Politics

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Identity (Social Science) / Philosophy Of Mind / Dialectic / Logic

Piulats - Egiptosophia. Relectura del Mito al Logos.pdf

Ancient Egypt / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Egyptian Hieroglyphs / Egypt / Western World


Aesthetics / Immanuel Kant / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Paintings / Theatre

Jahoda, G. Encrucijadas Entre La Cultura y La Mente

Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Mind


Maximilien Robespierre / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / French Revolution / Romanticism / Reign Of Terror

Analisis Del Drama

Theatre / Dialectic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Society / Homo Sapiens

Danto and His Critics After the End of Art and Art History

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Art History / Aesthetics / Historiography / Cubism

Filosofía Andina-J 1997-Josef Estermann & Antonio Peña-Libro-Filosofía

Existentialism / Soul / Dialectic / Inca Empire / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

La Dialéctica y Sus Leyes

Dialectic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Materialism / Metaphysics / Epistemology

La Dialéctica

Dialectic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Karl Marx / Ideologies / Friedrich Engels

Karl Jaspers- Psicología de las concepciones del mundo

Knowledge / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Science / Truth

Less Than Nothing - Slavoj Zizek

Slavoj Žižek / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Nothing / Contemporary Philosophy / Metaphysics

Duehren, Eugene - El Marques de Sade

Love / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Marquis De Sade / Science / Metaphysics


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Michel Foucault / Divinity (Academic Discipline) / Homo Sapiens / Reason