
38-La Literatura Helenística e Imperial

Hellenistic Period / Poetry / Comedy / Historiography / Roman Empire

50-La Novela Griega

Novels / Dionysus / Historiography / Love / Piracy

Febvre Lucien - Erasmo La Contrarreforma Y El Espiritu Moderno.pdf

Martin Luther / Protestantism / Religion & Spirituality / Catholic Church / Historiography

Bourde Guy Y Martin Herve - Las Escuelas Historicas.pdf

Thucydides / Historiography / Herodotus / Peloponnesian War / Sparta

Carlos García Gual - Historia, novela y tragedia

Novels / Historiography / Herodotus / Thucydides / Ancient Literature

Harvey, J., Kaye, Los historiadores marxistas británicos.pdf

Historiography / Marxism / Karl Marx / Communism / Theory

Danto and His Critics After the End of Art and Art History

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Art History / Aesthetics / Historiography / Cubism


Art History / Semiotics / Historiography / Image / Portrait

Rebeliones Alzamientos y Movimientos Preindependentistas en Venezuela

Venezuela / Spain / Historiography / Truth / Science

Historias con Mujeres.pdf

Social Contract / Woman / Feminism / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Historiography


Historiography / Ideologies / Science / Knowledge / Marxism

Mitologia Juridica de la Modernidad.pdf

Middle Ages / Crime & Justice / Justice / Historiography / Statutory Law

Grossi Paolo, Mitología Jurídica de la Modernidad

Late Middle Ages / Historiography / Justice / Crime & Justice / Statutory Law

Bolivar Anti Mason

Venezuela / Freemasonry / Latin America / Historiography / University

Historia Medicina Chile_hasta 1926

Chile / Historiography / Magician (Fantasy) / People / Medicine

O Laboratório de Gramsci

Antonio Gramsci / Marxism / Italy / Historiography / Thought