
Vernant Atravesar fronteras. Entre mito y política II

Memory / Testimony / Truth / Marxism / Historiography

02 La Historia en El Perú - Riva-Agüero

Historiography / Peru / Europe / Essence / State (Polity)

CHALHOUB, Sidney Visões da liberdade

Dogs / Sociology / Anthropology / Slavery / Historiography

Bitacora Historia Del Arte

Historiography / Science / Ancient Greece / Society / Aesthetics

Mulher e Seringal: Um olhar sobre as mulheres nos seringais do Amazonas (1880-1920)

Fashion / Fashion & Beauty / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Feminism / Historiography

El Segundo Franquismo. (1963-1975) Cronología de las fechas más señaladas. V. Antonio López

Francoist Spain / Democracy / Spanish Civil War / Memory / Historiography

Historiografia Psicoanalisis Michel de Certeau

Psychoanalysis / Science / Knowledge / Historiography / Epistemology

História de Portugal - rui ramos_scissored.epub

Portugal / Europe / Iberian Peninsula / Historiography / Monarchy

Danto and His Critics After the End of Art and Art History

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Art History / Aesthetics / Historiography / Cubism

Jews in Byzantium

Falsifiability / Karl Popper / Hypothesis / Historian / Historiography

Damascus After the Muslim Conquest.pdf

Damascus / Byzantine Empire / Syria / Caliphate / Historiography

La Microhistoria Italiana

Historiography / Italy / Truth / Marxism / Knowledge

la sal de la tierra

Marxism / Science / Historiography / Knowledge / Theory

Breve Historia Contemporanea

Democracy / State (Polity) / Politics / Historiography / Society

Breve Historia Contemporanea

Democracy / State (Polity) / Politics / Historiography / Society