Human Communication

Introduccion a la pragmatica contrastiva o intercultural.pdf

Linguistics / Interculturalism / Knowledge / Spanish Language / Human Communication

G. Krees & T. Leeuwen - Reading Images - The Grammar of Visual Design

Linguistics / Representation (Arts) / Semiotics / Grammar / Human Communication

Rafael Areiza Londoño - Sociolinguística enfoques pragmático y variacionista (2a. ed..pdf

Sociolinguistics / Academic Discipline Interactions / Human Communication / Epistemology / Communication

EU Elementary A2 Progress Test 12

Semiotics / Languages / Phonology / Human Communication / Linguistics

LIBRAS parte 1

Hearing Loss / Linguistics / Human Communication / Communication / Semiotics

intention phonetique II

Symbols / Reading (Process) / Human Communication / Writing / Semantics


Linguistics / Human Communication / Cognition / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Semiotics

Tema 1. Lenguaje y Comunicación. Competencia Lingüística y Competencia Comunicativa

Communication / Linguistics / Semiotics / Sociolinguistics / Human Communication

Bickford and Floyd - Articulatory Phonetics

Consonant / Sound Production / Human Throat / Speech / Human Communication

Fun with Flashcards (English) - Teachers' cookbook for teaching English with flashcards

Flashcard / Vocabulary / Language Education / Symbols / Human Communication

Trabajo Final de Didactica de La Lectura y Escritura

Reading (Process) / Writing / Symbols / Learning / Human Communication

Jam Creole Grammar

English Language / Syntax / Language Mechanics / Human Communication / Rules

Effective Communication

Nonverbal Communication / Body Language / Gesture / Communication / Human Communication

project on body language

Nonverbal Communication / Body Language / Gesture / Communication / Human Communication

Actividades Disartria

Human Voice / Linguistics / Human Communication / Semiotics / Cognitive Science


Symbols / Word / Communication / Human Communication / Psychology & Cognitive Science