
Pre Board Exam in Prof Ed

Curriculum / Teachers / Educational Assessment / Idealism / Learning

Something's Missing: A Discussion between Ernst Bloch and Theodor W. Adorno on the Contradictions of Utopian Longing

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Dialectic / Utopia / Theodor W. Adorno / Idealism

Pavel Maksakovsky - The Capitalist Cycle

Dialectic / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Reason / Idealism / Immanuel Kant

Comprensión de Textos Para Etas

Philosophical Realism / Brain / Idealism / Schizophrenia / Mind

the self aware universe how consciousness creates the material world.pdf

Consciousness / Idealism / Mind / Self Awareness / Axiom

Friedrich Jacobi - Main Philosophical Writings

Immanuel Kant / Age Of Enlightenment / Idealism / Baruch Spinoza / Philosophical Theories

Ode to a Skylark

Sky / Percy Bysshe Shelley / Poetry / Idealism / Plato

Cognition an Introduction to H

German Idealism / Immanuel Kant / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Idealism / Epistemology

Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects - Peter Gratton

Immanuel Kant / Philosophical Realism / Idealism / Reality / Philosophical Theories

Preguntero Grupo y Liderazgo (Parcial 1 y 2)

Ontology / Self-Improvement / Emotions / Idealism / Truth

Speculative Realism: Problems and Prospects - Peter Gratton

Immanuel Kant / Philosophical Realism / Idealism / Reality / Philosophical Theories

Nationalism Speech

Idealism / English Language / Nationalism / Semiotics / Psychology & Cognitive Science


Soul / Paintings / Idealism / Argument / Realism (Arts)

Arthur - The New Dialectic and Marx’s Capital

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Dialectic / Karl Marx / Idealism / Logic

Husserl - Philosophy as a Rigorous Science [New Translation]

Consciousness / Science / Idealism / Theory / Naturalism (Philosophy)

Lawrence Wilde's PhD dissertation "The Concept of Contradiction in the Works of Karl Marx" (1982).

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Karl Marx / Dialectic / Immanuel Kant / Idealism