Resumen Conceptos-De-lacan El Goce
Interpretation (Philosophy) / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognition / Psychological Concepts / Cognitive Science
El dispositivo analítico para el caso de la psicosis.pdf
Psychoanalysis / Jacques Lacan / Psychosis / Psychotherapy / Interpretation (Philosophy)
El Deseo Del Analista
Jacques Lacan / Psychoanalysis / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science
9 El Deseo Del Analista Vineza
Jacques Lacan / Psychoanalysis / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Epistemology / Psychology & Cognitive Science
LACAN - La Dirección de La Cura (Resumen)
Jacques Lacan / Psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud / Unconscious Mind / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Olaso - Paradojas de La Inhibicion Fragmento
Psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud / Jacques Lacan / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Psychology & Cognitive Science
Apunte Para Entender a Lacan
Jacques Lacan / Unconscious Mind / Linguistics / Psychoanalysis / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Ensayo Lacan vs Freud
Jacques Lacan / Psychoanalysis / Unconscious Mind / Sigmund Freud / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Kernberg and Modern Object Relations Theory
Object Relations Theory / Id / Psychoanalytic Schools / Psychoanalysis / Interpretation (Philosophy)
06 JACQUES LACAN: El psicoanálisis del lenguaje y el imaginario [Comprende la Psicología] [Editorial Salvat]
Psychotherapy / Psychiatry / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Behavioural Sciences / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Translation Studies
Translations / Linguistics / Bible / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Cognitive Science
Translations / Reading (Process) / Linguistics / Semiotics / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Psychoanalysis / Sigmund Freud / Unconscious Mind / Psychotherapy / Interpretation (Philosophy)
Translation and Norms
Translations / Linguistics / Norm (Social) / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Emergence
Encuadre, Josefina FIgueroa
Psychoanalysis / Id / Sigmund Freud / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Cognition
Summary of Jeremy Munday's "Issues of Translation Studies"
Translations / Linguistics / Theory / Interpretation (Philosophy) / Truth