1892 - Johannes Weiss - Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
Kingship And Kingdom Of God / Jesus / New Testament / Theology / God
Jesus and the Word by Rudolf Bultmann
Gospel Of John / Baptism / Jesus / Gospels / Herod The Great
[E. P. Sanders] the Historical Figure of Jesus(Bokos-Z1)
Hasmonean Dynasty / Josephus / Jesus / Religion And Belief / Philosophical Science
Christ. Walter Kasper
Christology / Jesus / Resurrection Of Jesus / Catholic Church / God
2004 - Sean Freyne - Jesus, a Jewish Galilean
Galilee / Jews / Jesus / Gospels / Christian
Baillie, D.M. - God Was in Christ. an Essay on Incarnation and Atonement (Gaber & FAber, 1947 = 1963, 234pp)_OS
Christology / Karl Barth / Incarnation (Christianity) / Jesus / Gospels
Hillsong - This is Our God | PraiseChords.Net
Song Structure / Heaven / Faith Healing / Jesus / Sin
Amorth Gabriele
Satan / Exorcism / Devil / Jesus / Christian Church
AMORTH-Il Vangelo Di Maria
Saint Joseph / Mary, Mother Of Jesus / Jesus / Trinity / Prayer
Nicolas BERDYAEV_ The Russian Idea [1948]
Freemasonry / Eastern Orthodox Church / Tsar / Jesus / International Politics
Always Ready (Greg Bahnsen)
Christian Apologetics / Apologetics / Jesus / Faith / Sophia (Wisdom)
Saint Peter / Love / Priest / Jesus / Cattle
Encouragement and Prayer by Curry R. Blake
Faith Healing / Jesus / Prayer / God / Faith
Apocalipsis Sin Velo -Tim Lahaye
Book Of Revelation / Spirit / Christ (Title) / Jesus / John The Apostle
Letter for the House of Savoy
Pope / Pope Francis / Catholic Church / Pope Benedict Xvi / Jesus
The Coat My Father Gave Me Howard Browne
Elijah / Anointing / Humility / Jesus / The Gospel