Analise Do Discurso- Apostila
Linguistics / Hermeneutics / Literary Theory / Science / Semiotics
Gómez Redondo Fernando, Manual de crítica literaria contemporánea
Literary Criticism / Literary Theory / Science / Methodology / Artificial Intelligence
Cabo Aseguinolaza Fernando, Manual de Teoría de La Literatura
Literary Theory / Artificial Intelligence / Technology / Theatre / Reading (Process)
166057004 Riley Edward O Teoria de La Novela en Cervantes
Miguel De Cervantes / Don Quixote / Novels / Literary Criticism / Literary Theory
literary theory and criticsm
Postmodernism / Deconstruction / Literary Criticism / Literary Theory / Postcolonialism
Metre (Poetry) / Poetics / Literary Theory / Phonology / Linguistics
Rhetoric / Plato / Literary Theory / Poetry / Theory
Teoria Da Literatura II
Poetry / Romanticism / Discourse / Books / Literary Theory
Concepções, Estruturas e Fundamentos Do Texto Literário
Literary Theory / Reality / Poetry / Sociology / Science
Analysis of Poems
Metre (Poetry) / Poetry / Narrative Forms / Rhyme / Literary Theory
[Antoine Compagnon] O Demônio Da Teoria - Literat(BookZa.org)
Literary Theory / Aristotle / Marxism / Plato / Ideologies
Pollmann, Leo - Literaturwissenschaft und Methode, 2. Aufl. (Athenäum Fischer, 1971, 316pp)
Literary Theory / Definition / Knowledge / Philosophy Of Science / Science
Métrica Española
Metre (Poetry) / Rhyme / Poetry / Narrative Forms / Literary Theory
24705546 Esther Paglialunga Manual de Teoria Literaria Clasica
Rhetoric / Poetry / Literary Theory / Literary Criticism / Aristotle
Haroldo de Campos - Da transcriação poética e semiótica da operação tradutora
Poetry / Translations / Semiotics / Metaphysics / Literary Theory
Gumbrecht - Corpo e Forma
Paradigm / Hermeneutics / Language Interpretation / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Literary Theory