Secret Mental Powers Miracle of Mind Magic
Magic (Paranormal) / Mind / Multiculturalism / Plato / Psychology & Cognitive Science
Kohan. Infancia Educacion Filosofia
Adults / Truth / Plato / Socrates / Proposition
Eikasia No 12 Agosto 2007
Plato / Socrates / Aristotle / Epistemology / Truth
Alegoria de la caverna-Platon
Plato / Metaphysics / Truth / Epistemology / Psychology & Cognitive Science
Aristóteles - Poética (ed. Alianza)
Poetry / Aristotle / Poetics (Aristotle) / Plato / Science
Filosofía y Democracia en La Grecia Antigua - Sancho Rocher, Laura (Coordinadora)
Rhetoric / Democracy / Aristotle / Sparta / Plato
Democracia Etica (1)
Plato / Democracy / Political Corruption / Government / Politics
Historia de La Etica - Alasdair C. MacIntyre
Morality / Plato / Justice / Crime & Justice / Homer
Critchlow, Kenneth - The Hidden Geometry of Flowers
Flowers / Consciousness / Plato / Science / Geometry
Delusion / Psychosis / Insanity / Plato / René Descartes
Resumen del dialogo Platónico Protagoras
Socrates / Plato / Science / Philosophical Science
Ensayo Filosofía Griega y Medieval
Plato / Aristotle / Truth / Metaphysics / Knowledge
Filosofia Pre Sm
Logic / Knowledge / Truth / Plato / Existence
Harmónica (Editio Crītica), Aristoxeno
Pythagoras / Aristotle / Plato / Translations / Philology
Preguntas de Parciales y Finales de Filosofia
Plato / Knowledge / Reason / Aristotle / Soul
Introduccion a La Teoria Del Estado - Matias Castro de Achaval
Plato / Aristotle / Feudalism / Augustine Of Hippo / Crime & Justice