
G1_Sevilla Morocho Jessica Karina_ Apreciación a La Escultura_ Finanzas y Auditoria

Sculpture / Arts (General) / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Science / Philosophical Science

Descubrimiento de Nuevas Esculturas Tartésicas

Sculpture / Neanderthal / Mining / Anthropology / Nature


Aphrodite / Paintings / Sculpture / Arts (General)

Examen de Diagnostico Artes

Paintings / Sculpture / Drawing / Communication Design / Arts (General)

00 Como

Paintings / Sculpture / Vault (Architecture) / Oil Painting / Dome

Apuntes Licenciatura Comentario Laminas Arte Moderno

Gothic Architecture / Sculpture / Dome / Baroque / Rome

Jas Elsner - The Birth of Late Antiquity - Riegl and Strzygowski in 1901.

Art History / Late Antiquity / Byzantine Empire / Rome / Sculpture

Reseña El Arte y Los Artistas Gombrich

Paintings / Portrait / Author / Sculpture / Beauty

formato planificación Diaria Artes Visuales

Impressionism / Paintings / Sculpture / Edgar Degas / Design

Artes Visuales Planificacion - 3 Basico

Paintings / Drawing / Learning / Sculpture / Visual Arts Education

Arte y Objetualidad

Paintings / Space / Theatre / Sculpture / Essence

Ensayo Barroco

Baroque / Ecuador / Sculpture / Carnival / Culture (General)

El lenguaje de la diosa. Marija Gimbutas

Mythology / Sculpture / Archaeology / Bronze Age / Society

Laboratorio de Problemas N2

Plaster / Sculpture / Calcium / Chemistry / Home Economics


Mary, Mother Of Jesus / Lamb Of God / John The Baptist / Saint Joseph / Sculpture

Tecnicas Virginia Satir

Sculpture / Behavior / Rituals / Decision Making / Christmas