
Ricardo Reis

Happiness & Self-Help / Love / Stoicism / Poetry / Cognitive Science

Lys5 Deneme Sınavı Dilko MainWay

Socrates / Harlem Renaissance / Plato / Aristotle / Stoicism


Stoicism / Seneca The Younger / God / Morality / Nero

Veyne Seneca y El Estoicismo

Seneca The Younger / Stoicism / Nero / Roman Empire / Caligula


Stoicism / Metaphysics / Epistemology / Science / Philosophical Science

A Condição Humana em Sêneca

Seneca The Younger / Stoicism / Homo Sapiens / Happiness & Self-Help / Death


Stoicism / Utilitarianism / Hedonism / Metaphysics / Truth

Seneca, Sobre a Discrepância Entre Ideal e Realidade

Seneca The Younger / Nero / Stoicism / Claudius / Caligula

La Concepción de La Vida Según Séneca Final

Seneca The Younger / Stoicism / Knowledge / Metaphysics / Happiness & Self-Help

Examen Parcial - Semana 4 Etica Empresarial

Socrates / Plato / Hedonism / Aristotle / Stoicism

Parcial 1 Etica

Socrates / Stoicism / Morality / Plato / Propositional Attitudes

Ciceron Del Hado Bilingue

Stoicism / Metaphysics / Truth / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Cognitive Science

Historia Iglesia Primit Iva

Paul The Apostle / Jesus / Roman Empire / Stoicism / Augustus

Síntese da matéria de 12º. Ano de Português - Preparação para o Exame

Poetry / Happiness & Self-Help / Portugal / Stoicism / Passion (Emotion)

Evidencia de Aprendizaje 2.1 Cuadro Comparativo

Morality / Age Of Enlightenment / Aristotle / Stoicism / Science

249824674 Ensayo Sobre El Estoicismo

Stoicism / Hellenistic Philosophy / Hellenistic Period / Knowledge / Truth