
About Time~ Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time

Martin Heidegger / Narrative / Edmund Husserl / Time / Phenomenology (Philosophy)

Acredita e Medita Um Programa de 21 Dias de Meditação

Meditation / Empathy / Time / Psychology & Cognitive Science

o Poder Das Mudras

Chakra / Time / Universe / Mind / Nature

Aula Pedras Quentes

Gemstone / Chakra / Heat / Time / Volcano

As Meditações Do Osho

Chakra / Time / Mind / Meditation / Death


Economics / Transport / Time / Mathematical Optimization / Supply Chain

Calvosa - Gerencia de Vendas (Vol 2)

Quality (Business) / Time / Motivation / Self-Improvement / Attitude (Psychology)

Português Instrumental

Language Interpretation / Natural Language / Linguistics / Time / Latin

Florinda Donner-Grau - A Bruxa e a Arte Do Sonhar (PDF) (Rev)

Mediumship / Time / Liberty / Priest / Truth

LIVRO Do Filme O Segredo

Thought / Love / Time / Universe / Mind


Faith / Life / Thought / Jesus / Time

A Lei da Atração

Time / Science / Physics / Physics & Mathematics / Mind

Paul Connerton Como as Sociedades Recordam (1)

Crusades / Sociology / Fashion & Beauty / Clothing / Time

A Pasta Mágica - 2.º Ano

Decimal / Polygon / Natural Number / Multiplication / Time

A Voz Invisível Do Ator Sobre o Cinema Brasileiro

Actor / Theatre / Time / Master's Degree