
Legato Trombone: A Survey of Pedagogical Resources

Trombone / Trumpet / Musical Instruments / Musical Techniques / Musicology

Horn Extended Techniques

French Horn / Trumpet / Trombone / Musical Compositions / Brass Instruments


Trumpet / Brass Instruments / French Horn / Trombone / Franz Liszt

Play Music 136

Chord (Music) / Bass Guitar / Trumpet / Festive Event (Including Carnival) / Leisure

5 Piezas Colombianas Para Banda

Saxophone / Colombia / Trumpet / Musical Theatre / Chord (Music)

Instrumentos Musicales Enla Biblia

Psalms / Flute / David / Musical Instruments / Trumpet

Claude Gordon - Systematic Approach to Daily Practice for Trumpet

French Horn / Trumpet / Lip / Brass Instruments / Leisure

04 Jeff Smiley Embocadura Balanceada Versão Em Português

Trumpet / Time / Johann Sebastian Bach / Mouth / Pressure

Claude Gordon - Systematic Approach to Daily Practice for Trumpet

French Horn / Trumpet / Lip / Brass Instruments / Leisure

Técnicas de Grabación de Jazz

Jazz / Microphone / Chord (Music) / Saxophone / Trumpet

(Joseph Wagner) Orchestration - A Practical Handbook.pdf

Orchestras / French Horn / Trumpet / Harmony / Composers

Army Band Section Leader Handbook

Trombone / Tuba / French Horn / Trumpet / Clarinet


Drum Kit / Jazz / Trumpet / Saxophone / Trombone

LG.15 Arreglando Para Big Bands

Saxophone / Trumpet / Jazz / French Horn / Trombone

Guia Practica Para Orquestar Para Banda 6

Saxophone / Trumpet / Trombone / Clef / French Horn