Western Philosophy

Jerzy Wróblewski - Legal Decision and Its Justification

Philosophical Movements / Contemporary Philosophy / Western Philosophy / Psychological Attitude / Justification

Prophetic Dawah (The Fiqh of Dawah)

Muhammad / Sahabah / Missionary / Religious Faiths / Western Philosophy

The Occult History of the Third Reich - Part 1 - The Occult

Occult / Spirituality / Esotericism / Western Philosophy / Paranormal

Il tarocco esoterico

Kabbalah / Tarot / Western Esotericism / Hermetic Qabalah / Western Philosophy

Luiz Gonzaga de Carvalho Neto - Bibliografia para estudo de Religiões

Western Philosophy / Mysticism / Religious Behaviour And Experience / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Religious Faiths

Friedrich Schelling

Epistemology / Metaphysics / Philosophical Movements / Western Philosophy / Philosophical Science

Phenomenology Time Line

Phenomenology (Philosophy) / Noumenon / Edmund Husserl / Western Philosophy / Propositional Attitudes

Creative Visualization by Janica (1)

Metaphysics / Psychological Concepts / Psicologia e ciência cognitiva / Epistemology / Western Philosophy

No Exit Essay

Existentialism / Jean Paul Sartre / Bad Faith / Hell / Western Philosophy

Hegel, G.W.F. - Escritos de Juventud.pdf

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Age Of Enlightenment / Philosophical Movements / Western Philosophy / Política

Historia Del Iusnaturalismo

Natural Law / Stoicism / Western Philosophy / Philosophical Movements / Truth

Religious Authority and Political Thought in Twelver Shi Ism

Shia Islam / Ruhollah Khomeini / Western Philosophy / Abrahamic Religions / Monotheistic Religions

Idel, Moshe - Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia (SUNY, 1988)

Kabbalah / Zohar / Western Philosophy / Esotericism / Jews And Judaism

McAnulla Structure - Agency[1]_copy

Discourse / Postmodernism / Western Philosophy / Epistemology / Sociological Theories

[W. T. Jones, Robert J. Fogelin] a History of Western Philosophy, From Hobbes to Hume

Western Philosophy / Metaphysics / Immanuel Kant / Epistemology / Truth

Heidegger and the Will

Martin Heidegger / Being And Time / Thought / Western Philosophy / Religious Education