Western Philosophy

Wilhelm Dilthey

Philosophical Movements / Epistemology / Western Philosophy / Truth / Cognitive Science

Stuart Elden Mapping the Present Heidegger, Foucault and the Project of a Spatial History 2002.pdf

Being And Time / Martin Heidegger / Michel Foucault / Friedrich Nietzsche / Western Philosophy

Zona de Egregores

Tetragrammaton / Hermeticism / Theory / Western Philosophy / Truth

Eterno Retorno Nietzsche PDF

Friedrich Nietzsche / Metaphysical Theories / Metaphysics / Epistemology / Western Philosophy

IMP 009 Leth Fink - Suárez on Aristotelian Causality.pdf

Causality / Aristotle / Metaphysics / Western Philosophy / Truth

Jawhara Jawhara Jawhara Jawharaal al al al----Tawhī Tawhī Tawhī Tawhīd dd d

Islamic Branches / Western Philosophy / Islamic Belief And Doctrine / Religious Faiths / Monotheism

Alchemy of Happiness Transcript by Hamza Yusuf...

Abrahamic Religions / Western Philosophy / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Qur'an / Religion And Belief

Alchemy of Happiness Transcript by Hamza Yusuf...

Abrahamic Religions / Western Philosophy / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Qur'an / Religion And Belief

Theories of Irony

Irony / Western Philosophy / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science / Semiotics

Bacon as Sn Essayist

Empiricism / Truth / Essays / Western Philosophy / Epistemology

Luiz Gonzaga de Carvalho Neto - Bibliografia para estudo de Religiões

Western Philosophy / Mysticism / Religious Behaviour And Experience / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Religious Faiths

Die Hölle Ewige Verdammnis Feuersee Teufel satan satanismus okkult esoterik Dämonen Finsternis Sünde Gericht Gottes

Hell / Eternal Life (Christianity) / Eschatology / Ancient Mediterranean Religions / Western Philosophy

Línea del tiempo de la modernidad y posmodernidad

Modernity / Western Philosophy / Metaphysics / Cognitive Science / Psychology & Cognitive Science

Midterm Exam in Philo

Western Philosophy / Moksha / Reason / Nirvana / Reincarnation

Kitabul Iman Shahih Al-Bukhary.pdf

Monotheism / Abrahamic Religions / Western Philosophy / Religious Faiths / Theology

Scholem, La Cabala

Kabbalah / Jewish Mysticism / Gnosticism / Halakha / Western Philosophy