Western Philosophy

Henry Corbin Swedenborg Esoteric Islam

Emanuel Swedenborg / Religious Faiths / Western Philosophy / Cultural Anthropology / Religious Belief And Doctrine


Plane (Esotericism) / Theosophy / Ascended Master / Western Philosophy / Neoplatonism

Harman.The Third Table.pdf

Metaphysics / Philosophical Theories / Contemporary Philosophy / Truth / Western Philosophy

Synopsis of Unity Temple

Meditation / Religious Faiths / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Western Philosophy / Truth

Universals Central Problems of Philosophy

Philosophical Realism / Western Philosophy / Semantics / Philosophical Movements / Philosophical Theories

Garden of Pomegranates

Hermetic Qabalah / Kabbalah / Zohar / Magic (Paranormal) / Western Philosophy

Olavo de Carvalho - HEF 13, Filosofia Cristã

Epistemology / Metaphysics / Western Philosophy / Religious Education / Further Education

Mirror Ring

Philosophical Theories / Truth / Philosophical Movements / Western Philosophy / Contemporary Philosophy

Philosophy of Mind - Descartes' Substance Dualism

René Descartes / Mind / Mental Processes / Western Philosophy / Metaphysical Theories

Birth of the Rosacrucian Felowship by Max Heindel

Mysticism / Western Philosophy / Paranormal / Esotericism / Religious Behaviour And Experience

Introducción a Los Existencialismo. E. Mounier

Existentialism / Søren Kierkegaard / Existence / Metaphysics / Western Philosophy

Philosophy of Law

Jurisprudence / Western Philosophy / Virtue / Legal Ethics / Philosophical Movements

Una crítica desde el diàlogo El Maestro:San Agustin y La crisis del lenguaje del mundo

Hermeneutics / Truth / Philosophical Movements / Western Philosophy / Semiotics

Donnellan 'Reference and Definite Descirptions' - Summary

Ambiguity / Semantics / Metaphysics / Western Philosophy / Contemporary Philosophy

How to Develop Psychometry W-E-Butler 1979 Scan-ocr

Esotericism / Paranormal / Religious Belief And Doctrine / Western Philosophy / Truth

Avicenna Editions

Metaphysics / Western Philosophy / Epistemology / Science / Philosophical Science