Western World

La Multipolaridad

Superpowers / Democracy / The United States / Western World / Nation State

Muchembled, Robert - Historia Del Diablo (2000)

Demons / Devil / Witchcraft / Western World / Satan

PUD - Historia -1ro- 2019-2020

Evaluation / Learning / Planning / Ancient Rome / Western World

Comprensión lectora

Greek Mythology / Poetry / Western World / Literary Criticism / Author

introducción a la antropología

Anthropology / Society / Western World / Science / Knowledge

13949 ROMERO, JOSÉ LUIS - La Cultura Occidental [por Ganz1912].pdf

Roman Empire / Western World / Late Middle Ages / Byzantine Empire / Germanic Peoples

Zanatta Loris - Historia de America Latina - De La Colonia Al El Siglo XXI

Western World / Europe / Americas / Colonialism / Latin America

Igreja Relevante - Kleber D. Gonçalves

World View / Human / Catholic Church / Globalization / Western World

James Baldwin - Nadie sabe mi nombre.pdf

Cultural Assimilation / Europe / Western World / Africa / The United States