
Dion Fortune - Autodefensa psiquica

Psyche (Psychology) / Witchcraft / Knowledge / Mind / Fear

Cassandra Eason - A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells

Wicca / Book Of Shadows / Witchcraft / Magic (Paranormal) / Religion And Belief

Guia Para El Practicante Solitario - Scott Cunningham

Reincarnation / Rituals / God / Witchcraft / Nature

Untying the Magic of the Pharaoh

Magic (Paranormal) / Jinn / Witchcraft / Funeral / Cultural Anthropology

The Wiccan Spell Manual

Wicca / Goddess / Mother Goddess / Magic (Paranormal) / Witchcraft

86189660 Protection Reversal Magick

Magic (Paranormal) / Witchcraft / Magick (Thelema) / Wicca / Ceremonial Magic

[Gerina Dunwich] Dunwich s Guide to Gemstone Sorcery)

Magic (Paranormal) / Altar / Witchcraft / Wicca / Jewelry

St Cyprian Novena

Altar / Witchcraft / Prayer / Religious Behaviour And Experience / Spirituality

Sadoul, Jacques - El Dominio de R 3 - Las Tierras Altas Del

Witchcraft / Cats / Demons / Truth / Memory

Hecate La Luz Que Ilumina Las Sombras

Witchcraft / Persephone / Zeus / Oracle / Mythology

The Plant Spirit Familiar_nodrm

Witchcraft / Shamanism / Saul / Magic (Paranormal) / Necromancy

Manual Mayombero

Slavery / Witchcraft / Cuba / Spain / Spirit

Como Ser Una Autentica Bruja

Woman / Witchcraft / Machismo / Sex / Religion And Belief

Galdrabokinn - EL-Libro-de-Los-Conjuros.pdf

Runes / Odin / Witchcraft / Symbols / Love

Hugh Trevor-Roper, La crisis del siglo XVII (fragmento)

Age Of Enlightenment / Witchcraft / Calvinism / Puritans / Intellectual