
Catena Aurea de S Tomas de Aquino Evangelho S Mateus - Cap 1,1- Cap- 2,9

Bede / Gospel Of Matthew / Bible / Thomas Aquinas / Jesus


Beowulf / The Canterbury Tales / Bede / Fasting / Poetry

Suma Teologica

Origen / Augustine Of Hippo / Aristotle / Jerome / Bede

The Cambridge History of English Literature

Runes / Bede / Anglo Saxons / Beowulf / Gawain

Suma Teologica

Origen / Augustine Of Hippo / Aristotle / Jerome / Bede

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle [Español]

Vespasian / Bede / United Kingdom / Jesus / Herod The Great

James Campbell - Essays in Anglo Saxon History

Bede / Anglo Saxons / Religion & Spirituality

Schumann's Ciphers (Sams)

Robert Schumann / Cipher / Cryptography / Bede / Entertainment (General)