Church Fathers

Trisoglio, Francesco - Cristo en Los Padres de La Iglesia

Christ (Title) / Church Fathers / Jesus / Truth / Divinity (Academic Discipline)

Theodossiou Et Al Astrology in the Early Byzantine Empire

Ptolemy / Astrology / Byzantine Empire / Church Fathers / Science

The Consensus of Church Fathers on a Spherical Earth

Bible / Earth / Church Fathers / Moon / Eclipse

Discourse on Free Will - Erusmus

Martin Luther / Free Will / Humanism / Augustine Of Hippo / Church Fathers

The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek - Norman Russell

Christology / Church Fathers / Incarnation (Christianity) / God / Paul The Apostle

Campenhausen, Hans von - Los padres de la Iglesia, I. Padres Griegos (Cristiandad, 1974, 230pp)

Irenaeus / Catholic Church / Christ (Title) / Church Fathers / Plato

Gnosticism - Its History And Influence

Gnosticism / Irenaeus / Apocrypha / Isis / Church Fathers

Taller Filosofia Edad Media

Church Fathers / Divinity (Academic Discipline) / Late Middle Ages / God / Augustine Of Hippo

Bauer Johannes - La Exégesis Del Nuevo Testamento y Su Trayectoria

Gospels / Bible / Origen / Church Fathers / Jesus

Drobner Hubertus - Manual de Patrología.pdf

Church Fathers / Catholic Church / Gospels / Ancient Christianity / Religious Behaviour And Experience

Fischl. Historia de la filosofia. 2002.pdf

Church Fathers / Water / Earth / Soul / Fires

Giovanni Reale y Dario Antiseri - Historia del pensamiento filosófico y científico Tomo primero

Plato / Church Fathers / Socrates / Science / Ancient Greek Philosophy

Os Pais Da Igreja - Hans Von Campenhausen

Irenaeus / Catholic Church / Church Fathers / Jesus / Divinity (Academic Discipline)

Filosofia Medieval

Church Fathers / Thomas Aquinas / Late Middle Ages / Eastern Orthodox Church / Catholic Church

Respostas Bíblicas às Testemunhas de Jeová – Ezequias Soares.epub

Church Fathers / Nazi Germany / Bible / Religious Texts / Religion And Belief