Western World

Marramao Giacomo - Cielo Y Tierra - Genealogia de La Secularizacion

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Pope / Western World / Existence / Constantine The Great

El progreso decadente

Europe / Reason / Western World / Science / International Politics

PAULA, João Antônio Raizes Da Modernidade Em Minas Gerais

City / Max Weber / State (Polity) / Modernity / Western World

El Islam - Volumen 2 - Desde La Caída de Constantinopla Hasta Nuestros Días (G. E. Von Grunebaun)

Ottoman Empire / Byzantine Empire / Iran / Anatolia / Western World

Olavo de Carvalho - HEF 10, Santo Agostinho_NEW

Augustine Of Hippo / Faith / Technology / Artificial Intelligence / Western World

De eso que llaman antropología mexicana (1970)

Anthropology / Western World / Mexico / Indigenous Peoples / Liberalism

Breve historia de occidente - Judith G. Coffin.pdf

Sumer / Western World / Agriculture / Paleolithic / Mesopotamia


Roman Empire / Western World / Byzantine Empire / Classical Antiquity / Late Antiquity

A Cristofobia no Século XXI - Daniel Chagas Torres.pdf

Catholic Church / Western World / Paul The Apostle / Jesus / Genocides

Arabesk Music in Turkey in the 1990s and Changes in National Demography Politics and Identity

Turkey / Mustafa Kemal Atatürk / Western World / Immigration / Politics (General)

Agresion Cultural

Civilization / Western World / Capitalism / Communism / Europe

Entre a Caserna e a Rua

Police / State (Polity) / Sociology / Ethnography / Western World

Entre a Caserna e a Rua

Police / State (Polity) / Sociology / Ethnography / Western World

La Ilustración Radical. La Filosofía y La Consernidad, 1650-1750 - Jonathan I. Israel

Age Of Enlightenment / Atheism / Deism / Western World / Baruch Spinoza

Diálogo 2 - Verano 1954 Recon

Christ (Title) / Civilization / Western World / Materialism / Morality

BARRACLOUGH_Introduccion a La Historia Contemporanea

Colonialism / Western World / Europe / Russian Empire / Imperialism